
NLED Aurora Magician Software - Color Sequence Design Software
Compatible with most NLED LED controllers, the software is used to create a multitude of patterns and sequences on a computer then, upload them to the compatible controller for it to run by itself, without a computer connection. The simple GUI makes it easy for anyone to create custom color sequences of any sort and upload them to the controller, over USB. Great for any LED project that requires custom color sequences. In addition to standalone sequences, it also supports USB Live Control, send packets over USB to the device and it will display them. It supports single color, RGB, or RGBW LED configurations.

NLED Pixel Mapper - Pixel Map Creation Application
Create custom pixel map files for any shape or size of LED screen. The created map files can be used in other software applications, such as NLED Aura Magician or NLED AllMatrix. This application runs a web browser, no download or install required. Completely Open Source.
Bootloader Software
A bootloader allows the device's firmware to be updated over a USB or serial using a small application. Updating the firwmare allows bugs to be fixed and features to be added.
NLED Controller Configuration Software
For use with compatible NLED Pixel Controllers, allows the configurations and options of a controller to be selected and setup from a computer. Connects over a Serial/COM Port or USB. See included README and/or device's datasheet.

NLED ArtNet Recorder
A simple open-source application for recording one ArtNet universe and writing the data to a file.
Obsolete Software
All obsoleted applications have improved replacements.

NLED Matrix Patcher - Patch File Creation Software
Used mostly for NLED Matrix to create the pixel layouts for LED matrices. The software uses the patch file to interpret where pixels are in relation to the others and sends the data accordingly. This patching software is also compatible with the newst version of NLED Aura Control.

NLED AllPixMarix - Video Creation & Mixing
A new application meant to replace NLED Matrix and other LED matrix software that is available. This is a Processing 3 open source application. It has many features and capabilies. Developed for low resolution LED matrices and screens.

NLED Matrix Patcher - Patch File Creation Software
This software application is a work in prgoress. The software allows various LED matrix control softwares to have their serial port data streams intercepted and a pixel patch or pixel mapping applied to it. This allows many different applications that output square/rectangular data to work with odd-shaped LED matrices of all kinds. Software(such as the third-pary software Glediator or Jinx) outputs to a virtual serial port(com0com for example) and this small processing app intercepts the incoming data from that serial port. And converts it into patched/mapped data stream, then sends it to the hardware interface device(FTDI, NLED controller, etc) that controls the LED pixels.

NLED Aurora Matrix - Stand-Alone Of High Numbers of Pixels
For use with compatible NLED Pixel Controllers, allows the configurations and options of a controller to be selected and setup from a computer. Connects over a Serial/COM Port or USB. See included README and/or device's datasheet.

NLED Matrix - Control and Mixing Software
NOTE: This software is for development and refrence only, not recommended for novices or for important applications. NLED Matrix is a Java based application used for mixing and controlling video content to output to a custom DIY LED Matrix or matrices, which can be of any shape and size. NLED Matrix supports pixel patching, which allows the user to create the order in which the software outputs the data to the LED Pixels. That means any shape of LED matrix, any layout, any color order, with any type of control scheme can be made to work with the software. It allows two feeds of video data, either from a file such as .MOV, from an image, from a external video feed, or from any of the numerous generated content. The mixed video feed can be sent over Serial(USB Adapter, or RS-485 adapter), TCP, or UDP.
Written in Processing( to be free, open source, and easy for anyone to modify to suit their needs. It supports all types of RGB(any order) pixels, single color LED pixels, and RGBW pixels.(RGBW may or may not be implemented in current version, check change log)