Pixel Shutter Shades - APA102-2020
A take on the classic shutter shades. Featuring a 7x22 LED matrix utilizing APA102-2020 RGB addressable pixels. These pixels are only 2mm x 2mm square and are very small, but still as bright as other pixels. Full individual control over the pixels, which allows numerous patterns and sequences to be played on them. Including text messages and other special content. These are extremly bright and disorientating when worn in darkness, and distracting to those around the wearer. So typically they are dimmed down to a very low intensity, which is only possible with APA102 based chipsets without creating a flickery/glitchy looking effect.
This project has not been released yet, these are difficult to assemble, very fragile, and expensive. If anyone is interested in the PCB files, please Contact Us, with your intentions and I would be happy to share them.
- Full stand-alone control
- APA102-2020 pixels
- Touch activated multi-use button
- MicroUSB connection
- External lithium 14500 battery provides hours of runtime
- Based on PIC24FJ series microcontroller with external flash memory
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